Het Europese systeem van verhandelbare CO2–emissierechten: erop of eronder?

Nieuws16 apr 2013, 16:30

Zal het Europarlement het systeem van verhandelbare CO2–emissierechten (ETS: 'EU Emissions Trading System') van de ondergang weten te redden?

Vandaag vergadert het Europese Parlement over de redding van het ETS, dat thans op apegapen ligt omdat de prijs van de emissierechten zodanig is gezakt dat er geen enkele prikkel meer vanuit gaat om tot CO2–reductie te komen.

Onder de titel, 'Europe Braces for Verdict on Climate Chief’s Carbon Plan', rapporteert Ewa Krukowska voor Bloomberg:

The European Union’s 54 billion- euro ($71 billion) carbon emissions cap-and-trade system may be undermined if the bloc’s Parliament votes against Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard’s temporary rescue plan tomorrow. The strategy, known as backloading, would delay the issuing of some new permits under the EU emissions trading system, or ETS, which imposes pollution limits on about 12,000 power plants and factories across the region.

The euro area’s recession has cut demand, exacerbating a glut that drove prices in the world’s biggest greenhouse-gas market to a record low in January. Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard says the low cost of the allowances erodes the incentive for polluters to invest in climate protection technology. 

Opponents including the government of Poland, which is Europe’s third-biggest carbon emitter, and BASF SE (BAS), the world’s largest chemicals maker, say the plan will raise energy costs, manipulate prices and undermine investors’ confidence. ...

The commission’s draft fix involves delaying the sale of permits covering 900 million tons of emissions over the next three years and reintroducing, or backloading, them to the market in 2019 and 2020.

The outcome of the April 16 vote may determine the fate of the ETS for the next several years.

Lees verder hier.

Het Parlement is verdeeld. Zal het kiezen voor economisch herstel of het voortbestaan van het ETS (dat geen enkel aantoonbaar klimaateffect heeft)? We wachten met spanning af.

Voor mijn eerdere DDS-bijdragen, zie hier.


Laatste nieuws

De uitslag van de stemming van het Europese Parlement is zojuist bekend geworden.

The Wall Street Journal

EU Rejects Delay of Carbon Permits

Lawmakers in the European Parliament Tuesday rejected a proposal to slow growth in the number of available carbon dioxide emissions permits, striking a blow to efforts to make emitting the greenhouse gas more expensive and calling into question the future of Europe's environmental goals.

A thin majority in the 754-seat Parliament rejected the plan to backload, or postpone by between five and seven years, the auctioning of 900 million permits to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide that would have otherwise been sold by 2015.

Parliament's refusal to endorse the plan creates more uncertainty on the carbon market, where the price of emissions permits since the start of the year has largely remained below €5 ($6.52) per ton, a third of what it was just 18 months ago.

The existing backloading proposal will be sent back to committees for renegotiation, but it may effectively be dead, in which case lawmakers would have to work on a new plan from scratch to renew this facet of the bloc's climate-change efforts. ...

Het is verheugend dat het gezonde verstand heeft gezegevierd. Maar het ging hier slechts om al of niet 'backloading'. Het systeem zelf zet zijn zombiebestaan voort. Wie verlost het uit zijn lijden?

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