Groene opwarmingszeepbel kan elk ogenblik uit elkaar spatten

Nieuws08 nov 2010, 16:30

Fred Singer, de aartsvader van de internationale klimaatsceptici, verwacht dat de groene opwarmingszeepbel elk ogenblik uit elkaar kan spatten.


There is a revolution coming that is likely to burst the green global warming bubble: the temperature trend used by the IPCC (the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to support their conclusion about anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is likely to turn out to be fake. The situation will become clear once Virginia's attorney general, Kenneth Cuccinelli, obtains information now buried in e-mails at the University of Virginia. Or Hearings on Climategate by the U.S. Congress may uncover the "smoking gun" that demonstrates that the warming trend used by the IPCC does not really exist.

It has become increasingly clear that any observed warming during the past century is of natural origin and that the human contribution is insignificant. It is doubtful that any significant warming is attributable to greenhouse gases at all.

Once the public accepts these scientific conclusions, it should have immense consequences for policy. It will mean that the impact of rising CO2 levels is negligibly small, as has already been concluded by the NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change), a group of scientists skeptical of the U.N.-supported IPCC. It would also mean that wind energy, solar energy, and other "non-carbon" energy sources are not needed and are in fact counterproductive. It would remove the need for alternative fuels such as ethanol (which might please many true environmentalists). It would also mean that carbon trading, cap and trade, and fanciful schemes for carbon capture and sequestration would all end up in the dustbin of history.

Maar Singer denkt dat er nog stevige oppositie zal komen van de gevestigde belangen van de klimaatindustrie.

One may expect a huge outcry and serious and protracted opposition from those who have built their careers on global warming hype and who have made investments in alternative energy or are looking for immense profits from carbon trading.

Maar hij verwacht dat de wetenschappelijke feiten uiteindelijk zullen prevaleren. Verder wijst hij op de deerniswekkende ervaringen in Europa met duurzame energie.

Nothing has been learned from European disastrous experiences, it seems. As Bjørn Lomborg (a firm believer in AGW) reports, Germany led the world in putting up solar panels, funded by €47 billion in subsidies. The lasting legacy is a massive debt and lots of inefficient solar technology sitting on rooftops throughout a fairly cloudy country, delivering a trivial 0.1% of its total energy supply. Denmark's wind industry is almost completely dependent on taxpayer subsidies, and Danes pay the highest electricity rates of any industrialized nation. Spain has finally discontinued its solar subsidies as too costly; as Prof. Gabriel Calzada reports, the program actually caused a net loss of jobs.

Maar in de VS, bijvoorbeeld in California, staan er nog steeds projecten in de steigers, die miljarden subsidies zullen vergen. De groei van 'high-tech'-arbeidsplaatsen wordt als argument aangevoerd.

The White House claims that the federal cash subsidy will create three hundred permanent jobs (at about $3 million per job!). The nature of the jobs is not specified, but one may assume that there will be much need for sweepers to remove dust and dirt from about 7,000 acres of solar mirrors. Not exactly "high-tech," is it?

Lees verder hier.

Dat de opwarming, waar het IPCC vanuit gaat, geheel (?) 'fake' zou zijn, zoals Fred Singer beweerd, gaat wel erg ver. De meeste klimaatsceptici gaan er vanuit dat er wel enige opwarming heeft plaatsgevonden, maar minder dan het IPCC aangeeft, als gevolg van het stadseffect, de (selectieve) vermindering van het aantal meetstations en de homogenisering van de data (in de meeste gevallen opwaartse bijstelling van temperaturen). Maar Fred Singer heeft wel meer gelijk gekregen. Afwachten dus maar wat het onderzoek van Cuccinelli oplevert.

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