Europese Commissie eist €24,1 miljoen van Nederland

Nieuws15 dec 2013, 19:00


De Europese Commissie kondigt vandaag aan dat Nederland en veertien andere lidstaten 'geld terug moeten geven' dat bedoeld was voor de agricultuur. 

A total of €335 million of EU agricultural policy funds, unduly spent by Member States, is being claimed back by the European Commission today under the so-called clearance of accounts procedure. However, because some of these amounts have already been recovered from the Member States the financial impact of today's decision will be some €304 million. This money returns to the EU budget because of non-compliance with EU rules or inadequate control procedures on agricultural expenditure. Member States are responsible for paying out and checking expenditure under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Commission is required to ensure that Member States have made correct use of the funds.

... funds will be recovered from 15 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Latvia, the Netherlands, Romania and Sweden. 

Wacht even. Nederland betaalt zich helemaal blauw aan de EU, maar als we dan iets van dat geld terugzien wordt er nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden of we het wel gebruiken waarvoor de Europese Commissie wil dat we het gebruiken, en als we dat niet doen moeten we het geld - ons geld - maar snel even 'terugbetalen'?

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