De Turkse premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan heeft besloten om een enorme heksenjacht te organiseren op zijn critici:
The witch-hunt is leaving no part of the Turkish society untouched. People who banged on pans and pots to support the demonstrations have been charged with public nuisance, and are being assed minor fines[8]. A pro-AKP newspaper, Takvim, filed complaints against CNN anchor Amanpour, while another BCC reporter had been labeled a traitor by Erdogans personally. Finally, the Capital Markets Board (Turkeys SEC) is reviewing all transactions during the Gezi Parki protests to find evidence of an international conspiracy to destabilize the Turkish markets.
Make no mistake, this an all-out war on all forms of dissent against AKP, which will claim more innocent victim once the international media turns its back on Turkey.
Het is bijzonder vervelend om toe te geven, maar ik ben bang dat de auteur daar weleens gelijk in kon krijgen. De enige die daar misschien iets aan kan doen is de EU, Turkijes belangrijkste handelspartner.