Democraten houden van racisme

Nieuws13 jul 2012, 10:42


In zijn meest recente column voor PJ Media legt Roger L. Simon uit dat de Democratische Partij racisme van zwarten bewust aanmoedigt:

A whole network of connections, careers, and lifetyles has evolved from that, many of them largely counter-productive. Indeed, the argument can be made that the Democratic Party has destroyed the lives of minorities in order to save itself. Their programs, from the Great Society onwards, have done nothing substantial to improve minority lives, only to encourage dependency. The proof of this failure we see before us today in the dreadful statistics on black and Hispanic unemployment, far worse than the already horrendous national numbers. The more minorities are “helped,” the worse their lives become, the less equal we are.

Natuurlijk zal dat progressieven worst wezen. Zij maken zich vooral druk om hun eigen macht en invloed. 


The Democratic Party is then the true racist party, trapped in nostalgia for a time when genuine racism — Jim Crow, etc. — stalked the land. They have to assume significant white racism still exists because not to do so threatens the fabric of their being. A Tea Partier has to be a racist so you can dismiss his ideas without having to confront them or even think about them. Mitt Romney is just another rich white man so you don’t have to deal with what he is saying, you don’t have to evaluate whether he has a solution to a mutual problem.

We zien diezelfde tendens in Europa: zie hoe links het helemaal niet erg vindt dat er hele volksstammen van immigranten zijn die het westen haten, maar dat je, als je ook maar enigszins kritisch durft te zijn over de immigratieproblematiek, automatisch wordt weggezet als een racist dan wel moslimhater.

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