Het hele idee achter de sociaaldemocratie (en dus de verzorgingsstaat) is onjuist. Lees deze column maar even.
Citaat: People vastly overestimate the ability of central planners to improve on the independent action of diverse individuals. What I've learned watching regulators is that they almost always make things worse. If regulators did nothing, the self-correcting mechanisms of the market would mitigate most problems with more finesse. And less cost.
Vadertje Staat maakt dus meer kapot dan je lief is. Gelukkig zijn er nogal wat Amerikanen die dat begrjipen. Nu Nederlanders nog.
Oh, en voordat grote overheidsgelovigen de auteur (en mij) ervan bekritiseren dat we niet geloven in het oplossen van problemen, dit citaat:
Saying that government is not the way to solve problems is not saying that humanity cannot solve its problems. What I've finally learned is this: Despite the obstacles created by governments, voluntary networks of private individuals -- through voluntary exchange -- solve all sorts of challenges.
Zo is het maar net.