Volgens the FT is een nieuwe mondiale risicoherwaardering aanstaande.
Dit baseert men op onderstaande grafiek (opklikbaar voor beter leesbare versie), die men tot 'the most important chart in the world right now' bombardeert:
Kerncitaten uit de duiding van het FT hieronder. (Het plaatst de kritiek op de kredietbeoordelaars in een nieuw perspectief: waren/zijn ze eigenlijk niet eerder te lief dan te kritisch?)
More than half of the worlds debt securities were, for all intents and purposes, considered risk-free. In 2006, that was nearly $5,000bn of assets.
The financial crisis had a lot to do with triple-A ratings being slapped on to subprime securities which didnt warrant them, we know that.
[W]atch what starts happening from 2008 and 2009.
The AAA bubble re-inflates and suddenly sovereign debt becomes the major force driving the worlds triple-A supply. (...) Where ABS dissipated, sovereign debt stood in to fill the gap. And more.
Its one reason why the sovereign crisis is well and truly painful.
Its a global repricing of risk, again, but one that has the potential for a much larger pop, so to speak.