Biomassa (houtsnippers) tegen de opwarming van de aarde (die maar steeds niet wil komen).
Reeds zo'n tien jaar geleden heb ik de klimaathype gekwalificeerd als een ernstige vorm van collectieve verstandsverbijstering. Dat zijn sterke woorden, zeker! Maar er zijn thans steeds meer deskundigen die er niet voor terugdeinzen om overeenkomstige kwalificaties te gebruiken.
De verspilling waartoe het klimaatbeleid leidt, wordt steeds meer duidelijk. De meerderheid van de bevolking zal daar nu zo langzamerhand wel achter zijn gekomen. Maar de politiek houdt tot dusver nog halsstarrig vast aan het geldverslindende, volstrekt nutteloze beleid, dat geen enkel aantoonbaar effect op het klimaat zal hebben.
Duitsland en GrootBrittannië spelen op dit terrein een voortrekkersrol. Bij hen manifesteren zich de nefaste gevolgen van het klimaatbeleid dus het eerst. In Duitsland lijkt sprake van een ommekeer nu de liberalen de herbenoeming van de klimaatpaus Hans Joachim Schellnhuber hebben geblokkeerd. Is dit het begin van het einde?
Ook in Engeland zijn er tekenen die er op wijzen dat het roer wel eens om zou kunnen gaan. De sensationele opkomst van de UKIP, die geen klimaatbeleid wenst, zal de druk op de regering om van koers te veranderen vergroten. Maar hoge ambtenaren van het 'Department of Energy & Climate Change' (DECC), die een belangrijke rol hebben gespeeld bij de voorbereiding van nieuwe wetsvoorstellen m.b.t. het energiebeleid, wachten daar niet op. Zij hebben hun buik vol van de puinhoop die de Britse politiek ervan heeft gemaakt en verlaten het zinkende schip.
'Utility Week' meldt daarover:
Decc 'in chaos' as second senior civil servant quits
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) has been plunged into "chaos" following unconfirmed reports of a second high profile departure in as many weeks. Ravi Gurumurthy is said to have left his position as director of strategy at Decc and he follows Jonathan Brearley, the former head of energy markets and networks, out of the Whitehall offices.
Lees verder hier.
Maar is het werkelijk zo erg met het Britse klimaat cum energiebeleid? Hierop past een volmondig ja. Het is alsof de patiënten de leiding van de psychiatrische inrichting hebben overgenomen.
Onder de titel, 'Climate Change Madness: Do the Europeans Know What They Are Doing?', schrijft het Britse 'Institute for Energy Research' daarover het volgende:
British leaders are making some truly bizarre decisions in an effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and comply with European renewable electricity mandates. For example, they are converting a coal-fired plant to burn wood chips that are shipped from the United States.
A wood burning plant qualifies under the European rules for meeting electricity generation mandates from renewable energy for the purpose of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from energy producing sources. But this move is sheer lunacy for it will increase rather than decrease emissions while increasing the price of electricity to consumers. Yet the British parliament has whole-heartedly embraced the move. Have legislators gone mad?
The Drax plant in Yorkshire, England is one of the biggest coal-fired power plants in the world Starting next month, the plant will be converted to burn millions of tons of wood chips a year, costing £700 million ($1.085 billion). ... Most of the wood chips will travel 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, coming from trees downed in the United States. Drax is building 2 plants in the United States that will turn the wood from trees into chips that can be transported by ship to Yorkshire and then hauled to the power station by railway trucks. In order to prevent spontaneous combustion, the wood chips must be stored in domes where the humidity is controlled before they can be pulverized into powder. (Wood is 1,000 times more prone to spontaneous combustion than coal.)
Despite the fact that coal is the least-expensive source of electricity generation in England, the owners of the Drax plant realized that a recently instituted carbon tax on fossil fuels would put them out of business if they continued to burn coal eventually making their electricity become twice as expensive. The political incumbents in Britain decided last year to give any coal-fired power station that switched to biomass the almost 100 percent renewable subsidy that owners of onshore wind farms get.
The energy policies that the United Kingdom has put in place have consequences that will affect the lives of its citizens and their pocketbooks. The countrys energy policies mean the electricity will cost more, that electric supplies may not be sufficient to meet future demands, and that little will be achieved in emissions reduction because of actions of other countries and the consequences of biomass conversions on the life cycle of the fuel. It will cost two to three times as much for Drax to generate about the same amount of electricity from wood as it does from coal, i.e. fuel costs will double or triple.
The government is providing a subsidy that will eventually be worth over £1 billion a year that make the Drax conversion to biomass economical. But for electricity consumers in Britain, bills have already increased by over £1 billion ($1.55 billion) a year because of subsidizing wind farms; the Drax subsidies will increase them even more.
The irony of the situation is that Britain is moving away from coal as other countries which have been big proponents of reducing carbon dioxide emissions are moving to build more coal-fired power plants. Germany is building 20 new coal-fired power plants to back-up its wind and solar plants and to replace its nuclear plants; the first of which (2,200 megawatts) came on line last September. China, the worlds largest emitter of carbon dioxide, is building at least one coal-fired unit a week and is planning to build 363 more coal-fired power plants to fuel its fast growing economy. India is also planning to build 455 new coal-fired power plants to fuel its growing economy. And then there is Japan, who is building coal-fired power plants to replace its nuclear power after the accident at Fukushima in 2011.
But the real lunacy in the U.K. is the reasoning for converting the Drax plant to wood. The entire point is a belief that burning biomass would, on net, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, especially compared to coal. But thats not the case in the real world, especially with the Drax plant. Any carbon reductions would take many years to be realized when dealing with the life cycle of the process of growing trees, making wood chips, transporting them to consumers, and combusting them into electricity.
The result of Britains energy policy is ever-increasing energy bills and likely power outages. According to Christopher Booker in the UK Daily Mail, Britains politicians live in such a la-la land of green make-believe that they no longer connect with reality and seem unable to comprehend the national energy crisis now heading our way with the speed of a bullet train. But the sad truth is that we ourselves should be neither laughing nor crying. We should be rising up to protest, in real anger, at those politicians whose collective flight from reality is fast dragging us towards as damaging a crisis as this country has ever faced.
Lees verder hier
Klimaatgekte, mede gestimuleerd door Europese regelgeving in het kader van het decarboniseringsbeleid, blijkt zeer effectief in het vernietigen van onze economieën en welvaart. Het roer moet zo snel mogelijk om. Maar de politiek gedraagt zich nog als een konijntje dat niet in staat is zich te verroeren, verstijfd en verlamd als het is door de lichtbak van de jager.
Voor één keer mogen we blij zijn dat Nederland een beetje achterloopt in deze gekte ten opzichte van landen als Duitsland en GrootBrittannië. Leren van de fouten van anderen is een uiterst goedkope en efficiënte manier om verspilling te voorkomen. Men moet er echter wèl voor open staan.
Voor mijn eerdere DDS-bijdragen, zie hier.