Naar aanleiding van het feit dat de Canadese klimaatscepticus, Tim Ball, voor de rechter was gedaagd omdat hij onjuiste informatie zou hebben verspreid, wees ik op de verruwing van het klimaatdebat. Inmiddels is ook de Britse journalist James Delingpole aangeklaagd bij de Britse Commissie voor Mediaklachten ('Press Complaints Commission', PCC) omdat hij smadelijke opmerkingen zou hebben gemaakt over Phil Jones, voormalig directeur van de 'Climatic Research Unit' (CRU) van de Universiteit van East Anglia en hoofrolspeler in het Climategate-schandaal. Maar daarbij kreeg de CRU toch het lid op de neus.
Aan de uitspraak van de commissie ontleen ik het volgende:
Commissions decision in the case of University of East Anglia v The Daily Telegraph
The complainants, acting on behalf of the University of East Anglia (UEA), complained that three blog posts by James Delingpole were inaccurate and misleading and contained distorted information in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors Code. In particular, the complainants were concerned that the blog posts described Professor Phil Jones as disgraced, FOI-breaching, email-deleting, scientific-method abusing. They explained that Professor Phil Jones had been exonerated of any dishonesty or scientific malpractice by a series of reviews. They were concerned that a second blog post repeated accusations that had been demonstrated as untrue, concluding that the Universitys scientists were untrustworthy, unreliable and entirely unfit to write the kind of reports on which governments around the world make their economic and environmental decisions, and a third blog post referred to the scientists work as shoddy and mendacious.
The Commission emphasised that the articles in question were blog posts and were clearly identifiable as such to readers generally, as they were posited in the Telegraph Blogs section of the website and written under the columnists prominent by-line. The Commission was satisfied that readers would be aware that the comments therein represented the columnists own robust views of the matters in question. Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors Code permits the publication of such comment provided it is clearly distinguished from fact and does not contain significantly inaccurate, misleading or distorted information.
The Commission has previously ruled [North v The Guardian] that In the realm of blogging (especially in cases touching upon controversial topics such as climate change), there is likely to be strong and fervent disagreement, with writers making use of emotive terms and strident rhetoric. This is a necessary consequence of free speech. The Commission felt that it should be slow to intervene in this, unless there is evidence of factual inaccuracy or misleading statement.
En zo gaat de commissie verder. Het slot van het liedje was dat James Delingpole werd vrijgepleit. Hij was daar natuurlijk erg blij mee, want voordat je het weet ben je al je spaarcentjes aan de advocatuur kwijt.
Zijn reactie:
To its enormous credit the PCC stuck up for fair comment and freedom of speech. This is a massive victory not just for me and Telegraph blogs, but for bloggers everywhere especially those doughty souls around the world who are battling against Establishment lies, bullying and cover ups to try to reveal the truth about the corrupt, mendacious Climate Change industry. If it sounds like Im overdoing it, consider this: the PCCs ruling must be among the first by any quasi-official body anywhere in the world to take the side of a Climate Change sceptic rather than that of the Warmist establishment.
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
En hoe is de situatie in Nederland? Bestrijden de aanhangers van de menselijke broeikashypothese en klimaatsceptici elkaar daar ook te vuur en te zwaard door elkaar voor de rechter of klachtencommissie te dagen? Afgezien van een verzoek aan de Nationale Ombudsman voor een onderzoek naar de stelselmatige desinformatie van officiële zijde over windenergie - maar dat is een zijlijn - gelukkig niet! De discussie tussen hen gaat steeds beter. De staatssecretaris Atsma heeft hen nog onlangs opgeroepen om hun loopgraven te verlaten. En dat lukt best aardig. Zie in dit verband vooral mijn 'posting' van woensdag! Verrassing!
Er zijn van die momenten dat ik geen weerstand kan bieden aan een opwelling van chauvinisme.