Boris Johnson: 'Groot–Brittannië stevent op energiecrisis af'

Nieuws03 jul 2013, 16:30

In Nederland zouden we gek opkijken indien de burgemeester van Amsterdam zich met het nationale energiebeleid zou bemoeien. In Engeland schrikt de flamboyante Boris Johnson daar niet voor voor terug.

Gegeven het feit dat wordt gespeculeerd dat hij David Cameron zou willen opvolgen, mag dat echter geen verwondering wekken.

Onder de titel, 'Wind farms couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding, says Boris Johnson', schreef Rowena Mason in de Britse 'Telegraph'.

The London Mayor cast doubt on the effectiveness of wind farms as he argued Britain should be doing more to exploit the potential of shale gas. He even suggested that people might be able to conduct controversial exploration for shale gas in London, after geologists revealed Britain has vast reserves of the fossil fuel underground.

Speaking on his new LBC 97.3 Ask Boris radio show, Mr Johnson said shale gas was the best answer to the problem of Britain's looming energy shortages. He dismissed the Government's efforts to replace closing coal stations with wind power and nuclear, arguing shale gas offers the best opportunity for a secure supply.

"Labour put in a load of wind farms that failed to pull the skin off a rice pudding," he said. "We now have the opportunity to get shale gas - let's look at it. It is part of the 2020 vision we have for this city - power generation is vital." ...

He mocked Labour's installation of wind farms just days after the Coalition also announced it would offer developers generous subsidies to put in turbines for at least another six years. Under the deal, ministers will give them double or triple the market rate for the electricity they produce. The Government said onshore wind farms should get at least £100 per megawatt-hour, when the market rate for electricity is currently less than £50 per mega-watt hour. Offshore wind farms will get triple the market rate at £155 per megawatt-hour in a deal described by City analysts as "astonishingly expensive".

The difference will be met by a subsidy from the taxpayer, which is potentially more generous than the current regime that hands developers more than £1 billion a year. ...

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