BBC schuldig aan misleidende klimaatpropaganda

Nieuws12 jan 2014, 16:30

De deksel gaat van de beerput.

Gisteren maakte 'Honest Broker' zich op mijn blog boos over het opnieuw aanwakkeren van de klimaathype door de NOS. Het betrof een 'item', waarbij Rajendra Pachauri, voorzitter van het VN–klimaatpanel, wederom podium kreeg om glasharde leugens te verkondigen, zonder dat de interviewer ingreep of zich er zelfs van bewust was. Maar dit dient waarschijnlijk aan onkunde te worden geweten, die tot onkritische journalistiek leidt.

Bij de BBC was dit de laatste jaren anders. Daar werd het Britse publiek jarenlang geïndoctrineerd met klimaatalarmisme door geraffineerde manipulatie van informatie waarmee vele programma's werden gelardeerd. Totdat een Britse blogger argwaan kreeg en bij de BBC informeerde wat er achter de schermen gebeurde. Hij vroeg informatie over de deelnemers aan zogenoemde eco-seminars van de BBC. Maar kreeg nul op het request. Vervolgens deed hij een beroep op de Britse WOB en kreeg alsnog zijn zin.

Onder de titel, 'BBC's six-year cover-up of secret 'green propaganda' training for top executives', schreef David Rose voor de Mail Online:

Pensioner forces BBC to lift veil on 2006 eco-seminar to top executives.
Papers reveal influence of top green campaigners including Greenpeace.
Then-head of news Helen Boaden said it impacted a 'broad range of output'.
Yet BBC has spent more than £20,000 in legal fees trying to keep it secret.

The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.

At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war  – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives. ...

A lobby group with close links to green campaigners, the International Broadcasting Trust (IBT), helped to arrange government funding for both the climate seminar and other BBC seminars run by  Mr Harrabin – one of which was attended by then Labour Cabinet Minister Hilary Benn.

Applying for money from Mr Benn’s Department for International Development (DFID), the IBT promised Ministers the seminars would influence programme content for years to come.

The BBC began its long legal battle to keep details of the conference secret after an amateur climate blogger spotted a passing reference to it in an official report. ...

Mr Newbery, who finally won his battle last month, said: ‘It is very disappointing that the BBC tried so hard to cover this up. It seems clear that this seminar was a means of exposing executives to green propaganda.’ The freshly disclosed documents show that a number of BBC attendees still occupy senior roles at the Corporation. ...

Gisteren meldde ik dat BBC–veteraan Andrew Neil een uitstekend kritisch vraaggesprek had met een aantal politici, waaronder de leider van de Groenen, Natalie Bennett, en Matt Ridley, over de klimaat'problematiek', dat evenwichtig was. Zie hier. Verplichte kost voor klimatofielen van alle gezindten!  

Maar een vos verliest wèl zijn haren maar niet zijn streken. De BCC schrijft weersextremen zoals de recente stormen en overstromingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk steevast toe, niet aan het weer, maar aan klimaatverandering, terwijl het vastlopen van de Akademik Shokalskiy in het ijs aan het weer wordt toegeschreven.

David Rose:

Last week was a big one for weather news: the storms and floods in Britain, and the end of the bizarre saga which saw the Akademik Shokalskiy, the ship carrying climate scientists, tourists and a BBC reporter to inspect the ravages of global warming, trapped in Antarctic ice.

In both cases, the BBC stuck closely to its skewed, climate alarmist agenda.

David Cameron fuelled suggestions that the storms might be due to climate change by saying in the Commons he had ‘suspicions’ they were. The Met Office denied this was the case.

But repeatedly, the BBC followed the PM’s line. Slots on the Radio 4 Today programme and Radio 5 repeated the bogus proposition on three separate days – and in none were sceptics allowed to present an alternative view.

Yet the facts are clear. Met Office records show that December 2013 was only the 20th wettest since 1910. It had just two-thirds the rainfall of the wettest, 1914.

For October to December, 2013 was only the 14th wettest year, and there has been no discernible trend in  UK or English rainfall for more than 100 years.

But though the BBC was suggesting the storms were ‘climate’ rather than ‘weather’, it took a contradictory view over the icebound ship.

Radio 4’s Inside Science told listeners that the ice was a freak, unpredictable event – driven by weather, not climate – and even added it had been falsely ‘used by climate deniers’ to advance their case.

Lees verder hier.

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