De overstromingen in Brisbane hebben tot op heden het leven gekost aan 20 mensen, terwijl er nog 10 worden vermist. Voorts hebben ze enorme materiële schade veroorzaakt. Ook het dierenleed is onbeschrijfelijk.
Was de catastrofe onverwacht en onvermijdelijk? De vraag is legitiem want hetzelfde gebied werd reeds eerder overstroomd in 1893 en 1974, met hogere waterstanden dan nu. Volgens de autoriteiten kon de ramp niet worden voorzien. Maar Christopher Booker laat daar in de Britste 'Telegraph' toch een ander licht op schijnen.
Christopher Booker:
What was the role of warmists in the Queensland flood disaster?
Australia was told to prepare for droughts as a result of climate change, and let down its guard against flooding.
Ever more alarming facts are emerging to show how Brisbanes floods were made infinitely worse by cockeyed decisions inspired by the obsession of the Australian authorities with global warming. Inevitably, the countrys warmist lobby has been voluble in claiming that such a freak weather event (as the BBC called it) is a consequence of man-made climate change. But far from being an unprecedented freak event, the latest flood was nearly a foot below the level of one in 1974 and 10 feet below the record set in 1893.
For years, Australias warmists have been advising the authorities that the danger posed to the country by global warming is not floods but droughts: not too much rain but too little. One result, in Brisbane, was a relaxation of planning rules, to allow building on areas vulnerable to flooding in the past. As long ago as 1999, this was seen as potentially disastrous by an expert Brisbane River Flood Study (which was ignored and for years kept secret). Instead of investing in its flood defences, Australia spent $13 billion on desalination plants. (Queenslands was recently mothballed because of the excess of rain.)
Last weeks most disturbing revelation, however, was the contribution to Brisbanes flooding by the South East Queensland Water companys massive release of water from its Wivenhoe dam upstream from the city (for details see Brisbanes Man-Made Flood Peak on the Regionalstates blog). Instead of controlled releases through the previous week, the company allowed the level to rise to within a few inches of the top of the dam before releasing a vast volume of water, with devastating consequences for Brisbane 36 hours later.
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Tja, klimaatbeleid maakt meer kapot dan je lief is.