'Energiewende' brengt verstoring Duitse elektriciteitsvoorziening angstig dichtbij

Nieuws02 apr 2015, 16:30

Vice–Kanselier Sigmar Gabriel verliest greep op ontwikkelingen.

Eerder berichtte ik dat de Duitse Energiewende onverwachte, negatieve gevolgen heeft gehad wat betreft de substitutie van fossiele energie voor hernieuwbare energie. Aanvankelijk werd gedacht dat wanneer de intermitterende hernieuwbare energie (wind en zon) niet beschikbaar zou zijn, het tekort zou worden opgevangen door snel op– en afregelbare gas–gestookte centrales, die relatief weinig CO2 uitstoten. Maar dat bleek niet zo te zijn. Kolen– en bruinkool–gestookte centrales blijken veel goedkoper te kunnen draaien, zelfs als ze geld toe moeten leggen op de afzet van hun stroom. Hierdoor worden zelfs de modernste gas–gestookte centrales met sluiting bedreigd, zoals die van Irsching, omdat deze verliesgevend zijn.

Der Spiegel rapporteert:

Das Gaskraftwerk Irsching ist erst wenige Jahre alt und eines der modernsten in Europa, doch wegen der Energiewende lohnt es sich nicht mehr. Jetzt haben die Betreiber offiziell dessen Stilllegung angekündigt. Die Bundesnetzagentur und der zuständige Netzbetreiber Tennet seien entsprechend informiert worden.

Onder de titel, 'It’s Official: Most Efficient Gas-Fired Power Plant To Be Shut Down Due To Losses Stemming From “Energiewende”', schrijft de onvermoeibare Pierre Gosselin daarover op zijn blog:

It’s official. Germany’s Irsching power plant in Bavaria will be shutting down its recently built Block 4 and 5 gas-fired turbines. Both combined put out approximately 1.4 gigawatts of power. Online Spiegel here reports that its operators say it is no longer worth operating due to Germany’s Energiewende (transition to renewable energy).

The sporadic supply of solar and wind power into the grid means that the gas-turbines run only part-time, and often within a range that is inefficient. ….

E.on and the other partner operators will need to obtain the shut-down approval from the Germany regulatory authorities. ...

Spiegel adds:

Gas-fired power plants are currently under massive pressure due to the Energiewende and the plunge of power prices on the trading markets. ‘The growing amounts of subsidized power from renewable energies and the low wholesale prices for electricity no longer allow operation on the market,’ the four [Irsching] operators declared.”

Spiegel writes that the legal and political situation is also set to potentially become really messy. Already as “ultima ratio”, legal action is being threatened should German regulatory officials turn down E.on’s and its partner operators’ request to shut down the plant, something that German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the authorities would not allow to happen as the German power grid has become too precarious.

Supply problems are set to become far more critical as Germany will be forced by law to shut down its remaining nuclear power plants by 2022. Currently the German state of Bavaria is also blocking the construction of two major power transmission lines which would deliver power from large-scale wind parks in the North and Baltic seas.

With power transmission lines blocked, nuclear power slated to be decommissioned and gas power plants being shut down, the south German states are rapidly being maneuvered into a position where they will soon be confronted by huge power supply bottlenecks. Large power consumers are becoming wary.

Spiegel writes that E.on’s Irsching shut-down announcement jacks up the pressure on politicians.

Aldus Pierre Gosselin.

Commentaar van Leonard Lane:

Looks bad for Germans. Either the government does not let the gas plant close and suffers lawsuits, or it lets the gas plants close and suffers blackouts, or it takes taxpayer money and subsidizes the gas plants to make up for erratic wind generated power. In any of the three cases the loony leftists and radical greens win and German citizens loose.

Lees verder hier.

En dan zijn er nog steeds (erg groene) mensen die de Duitse Energiewende aanbevelen als voorbeeld dat Nederland zou dienen na te volgen! Helaas doet Nederland dat ook. De gevolgen zullen even desastreus zijn als bij onze oosterburen. Je kunt erop wachten.

Voor mijn eerdere DDS–bijdragen zie hier.

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