Duitse geoloog Sebastian Lüning: 'Klimaathype is over hoogtepunt heen'

Nieuws24 jul 2014, 16:30

Vele alarmistische beweringen zijn eenvoudigweg niet waar.

Sebastian Lüning (geoloog) is samen met Fritz Vahrenholt coauteur van 'Die kalte Sonne', waarin de nadruk op de rol van de zon wordt gelegd in de klimaatverandering. Na publicatie kregen zij golven vitriool van de klimaatalarmisten over zich heen. Het boek is nu ook in het Engels vertaald: 'The Neglected Sun'.

Tijdens de recente Heartland klimaatconferentie in Las Vegas (zie ook hier) gaf Sebastian Lüning een overzicht van de laatste stand van zijn onderzoek. Zie hier:

Tijdens de conferentie werd hij geïnterviewd door Bill Jasper

Onder de titel, 'German Geologist Sebastian Lüning Slams IPCC Climate Science: “A Lot Of The Claims Are Just Not True”', schreef Pierre Gosselin daarover op zijn blog:

Models are faulty no coming catastrophe

In Lüning’s view, the dire climate warnings are all based on models and the history of climate needs to be taken much more into account for extrapolating into the future. He thinks it’s no surprise many of the predictions are turning out wrong and reminds us that the earth’s climate has always seen wide fluctuations and that today’s climate is not unprecedented. “It’s not a catastrophe we are heading to.”

On the manipulation of past data, Dr. Lüning thinks the hockey stick was an error involving poor statistics and methods, with a “wish” for a certain outcome, reminding us that even Michael Mann has revised his charts. The Medieval Warm Period has also been put back in the IPCC 5th Assessment Report.

He agrees there have been political efforts to push through false scientific data. “That’s true. And a lot of the articles that are proposed or published by IPCC affiliated scientists; one really has to look twice and three times at them to understand what has happened. And a lot of the claims are just not true.”

Lüning agrees there should be development in alternative energies, but describes Germany’s renewable energy push as being “in complete chaos“, and is a system where everyone is crying for subsidies and that the system is now on “shaky grounds”. He says some media are already backtracking. “The tide is changing, I think.”

In Lüning’s view the climate movement reached it’s peak in 2007, and that more and more people are taking a closer look at his own views. He credits his high profile co-author of the book ‘The Neglected Sun‘, Fritz Vahrenholt, for getting the climate science skepticism ball moving. “Step-by-step we are winning them over and a realism is beginning to take place“. He then describes how moderate scientists in Germany and in Europe are becoming more receptive to their non-alarmist message and states that more and more papers on the natural cycles have been coming out.

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