Bastardi en Corbyn over gebruik van computers voor weersverwachtingen

Nieuws05 jan 2011, 16:30

Joe Bastardi

In het recente verleden heb ik aandacht geschonken aan Joe Bastardi en Piers Corbyn, die een koude winter hebben voorspeld. Vooral mijn 'posting' over Bastardi leverde veel schampere reacties op van mijn trouwe - en gewaardeerde - opponenten, soms gelardeerd met als lollig bedoelde toespelingen op zijn naam. Beiden zaten echter goed met hun verwachtingen. Het Britse KNMI (Royal Met Office), dat met zijn dure computers jaarlijks honderden miljoenen kost, zat er daarentegen naast.

De 'chief scientist' van de Met Office, Julia Slingo, heeft tegenover Nature verklaard dat zij goede voorspellingen hadden kunnen doen als ze over meer computercapaciteit hadden kunnen beschikken.

De website 'Autonomous Mind' vroeg aan Joe Bastardi en Piers Corbyn of zij het met die uitspraak eens waren. Dat bleek niet het geval te zijn. Hun antwoorden waren uiteraard toegespitst op weersverwachtingen, maar ze bevatten ook de meer algemene waarschuwing dat men moet oppassen voor een overmatig vertrouwen in computers en de modellen waarmee die worden gevoed. M.a.w. oppassen voor 'garbage in, garbage out.'

Joe Bastardi:

I look at the models, and I do use them as input to the forecast with many other factors. However they are not Gods, and to make the excuse we need a bigger computer when in reality all they do is arrive at a solution right or wrong faster, and have nothing factored in about past weather events, or natural cycles, or some of the other things Piers and I use. Seems to me to be blaming the model and then saying you need more of what failed in the first place.

If the Physics is not right, then forget it. Modeling for instance, relying on greenhouse gasses to warm the atmosphere will come out at a warmer solution. The UKMET model now has suddenly flipped to a cool solution across much of the world for the coming months, but well after it was obvious to us that major cooling was going to occur (last March I said 2011 would try to return to near normal, similar to the La Niña of the late 90s and the recent one That is because I knew before the computer a major La Niña was coming on and said so in February ...

As someone who has no access to public funds, or grants, well I don’t have the computer they do.

Which is interesting since I think we can agree since I joined this little forecasting battle the past 3 years, I have hit the cold over in Europe. Part of the reason is the model and computer has a warm bias since the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) flipped to cool. Now I wonder why that would be?

And what will happen when the Atlantic turns cold? Throw in solar cycles, and increased arctic or tropical volcanic activity no computer is going to handle that.

Computer models are tools to get an answer, but not the answer. There is the difference. These folks have not had the kind of forecasting experience that Piers and I have, so they put all this faith in models. We use models, but only as the icing on the cake so to speak. While both of us may have our favorite major climate driver. The ability to see all the players on the field is enhanced when one does not rely on the computer. A good forecaster has to have a visual idea of what a pattern should look like BEFORE HE BRINGS IN THE COMPUTER MODELS, and then have the models confirm or question his conclusion ... much like team mates challenge each other in competition. .

It’s not the computer, it’s the limits of the computer in trying to adjust to what only men can understand and use. I dont think you need more money to arrive at the wrong answer faster. Should put it into fighting hunger, or giving men a chance to be free enough to dream and pursue that dream much better causes in my opinion.

Piers Corbyn

Piers Corbyn:

My answer to What supercomputers do I use? Is: Wait for it. NONE.

And before someone goes looking for the ‘NONE’ computer company I mean: We do not use ANY Supercomputer we use PHYSICS.

In WeatherAction my Solar Lunar Action Technique (SLAT) does involve a number of equations and theoretical concepts (Weather action indicators) and calculations which are all performed on a pretty low level PC. The key thing to understand is that all weather circulation patterns have near enough happened before; the key is to find out when and how this time around they will be not quite the same as before.

I explained at some length HOW & WHY my technique(s) work at our WeatherAction Climate Fools Day conference in October 2009 held at Imperial College London. The Warmists were explicitly invited and given a slot to speak but none came.

A video of one of my invites, made direct to John Ackers of Friends of The Earth live on Sky news in October 2009, is linked below. Looking at it now I find it even more hilarious than at the time (when we had '50 days left to save the Planet’) and suggest readers have a look and a laugh (no mention of ‘cold is warm’ here!!)

The GWers claim that we haven’t explained what we do. That is untrue. The truth is they don’t want to know and don’t want anyone else to know (Recall Phil Jones CRU E-mails described me as The MAIN enemy on the Europe side of the Atlantic and that he and his mates would do everything in their power to prevent the likes of me ever getting anything into print). I thank blogs such as this which have enabled me and Bastardi and loads of others to break partly through the Greenwash cult.

On supercomputers and the The Met Office I would say that no amount of spending on their approach will ever produce better forecasts in any forecasting more than 3 days ahead. Standard Meteorology has reached the end of its potential. It can go no further. What we do is infinitely more skilled (since they have zero skill) in any long range forecasting. Let’s be clear no amount of investment in wax technology will ever produce a light bulb. For a small fraction of the extra money they want to waste on supercomputers we could reliably forecast extreme events and general weather development details across the WORLD many months ahead.

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