Nog maar weer eens Piers Corbyn over kou en sneeuw

Nieuws20 dec 2010, 16:30

Piers Corbyn, meteoroloog en astrophysicus

Het leven van de staf van het Britse KNMI (de Met Office) wordt er niet vrolijker op. Hun lange-termijn weersvoorspellingen, waarvoor ze de beschikking hebben over dure supercomputers, worden voortdurend gelogenstraft door die van Piers Corbyn, die men zijn nieuwe Casio betere resultaten boekt.

Dat is ook tot de Britse media doorgedrongen. Boris Johnson rapporteert daarover in de Britse 'Telegraph', onder de titel: 'The man who repeatedly beats the Met Office at its own game':

Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse. .

It is no use my saying that London Underground and bus networks are performing relatively well – touch wood – when Heathrow, our major international airport, is still effectively closed two days after the last heavy snowfall; when substantial parts of our national rail network are still struggling; when there are abandoned cars to be seen on hard shoulders all over the country; and when yet more snow is expected today, especially in the north.

In a few brief hours, we are told, the snowy superfortresses will be above us again, bomb bays bulging with blizzard. It may be that in the next hours and days we have to step up our de-icing, our gritting and our shovelling. So let me seize this brief gap in the aerial bombardment to pose a question that is bugging me. Why did the Met Office forecast a "mild winter"?

Do you remember? They said it would be mild and damp, and between one degree and one and a half degrees warmer than average. Well, I am now 46 and that means I have seen more winters than most people on this planet, and I can tell you that this one is a corker.

Never mind the record low attained in Northern Ireland this weekend. I can't remember a time when so much snow has lain so thickly on the ground, and we haven't even reached Christmas. And this is the third tough winter in a row. Is it really true that no one saw this coming?

Actually, they did. Allow me to introduce readers to Piers Corbyn, meteorologist and brother of my old chum, bearded leftie MP Jeremy. Piers Corbyn works in an undistinguished office in Borough High Street. He has no telescope or supercomputer. Armed only with a laptop, huge quantities of publicly available data and a first-class degree in astrophysics, he gets it right again and again.

Back in November, when the Met Office was still doing its "mild winter" schtick, Corbyn said it would be the coldest for 100 years. Indeed, it was back in May that he first predicted a snowy December, and he put his own money on a white Christmas about a month before the Met Office made any such forecast. He said that the Met Office would be wrong about last year's mythical "barbecue summer", and he was vindicated. He was closer to the truth about last winter, too.

He seems to get it right about 85 per cent of the time and serious business people – notably in farming – are starting to invest in his forecasts. In the eyes of many punters, he puts the taxpayer-funded Met Office to shame. How on earth does he do it?

En dan legt Johnson uit wat het geheim van de smid is. Maar ja, hij blijft sceptisch.


Is he barmy? Of course he may be just a fluke-artist. It may be just luck that he has apparently predicted recent weather patterns more accurately than government-sponsored scientists. Nothing he says, to my mind, disproves the view of the overwhelming majority of scientists, that our species is putting so much extra CO? into the atmosphere that we must expect global warming.

The question is whether anthropogenic global warming is the exclusive or dominant fact that determines our climate, or whether Corbyn is also right to insist on the role of the Sun. Is it possible that everything we do is dwarfed by the moods of the star that gives life to the world? The Sun is incomparably vaster and more powerful than any work of man. We are forged from a few clods of solar dust. The Sun powers every plant and form of life, and one day the Sun will turn into a red giant and engulf us all. Then it will burn out. Then it will get very nippy indeed.

Lees verder hier.

Het zal mijn loyale opponenten goed doen dat ik nu eens een beroep op het voorzorgsbeginsel ga doen. Zou het niet een goed idee zijn als de Britse Met Office (en het KNMI) een abonnement nemen op de weersverwachtingen van Piets Corbyn? Op die manier zou men bijvoorbeeld de juiste hoeveelheid strooizout voor de wegen kunnen bestellen, zodat er minder verkeersinfarcten zijn.

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